Friday, March 6, 2009

It's Argus time...

This Sunday is the Cape Argus Pick 'n Pay Cycle Tour, which I've mentioned a lot in my recent posts. I will be cycling this 110 km (that's 68 miles for American readers) race to create awareness for Mercy Ships.

Yesterday was Day 1 of the Life Cycle Expo, which is a huge cycling and fitness exhibition held at the Good Hope Centre, Cape Town, in the week before the race. The Expo is where cyclists entered to ride on race day pick up their race packs (with race number and important information) and can get their transponders (timing chips) checked. There are also hundreds of exhibitors with stands advertising anything from top-of-the-range bikes to bandanas. There are also free samples of anything from breakfast cereals to massage oils. And if you know me well, you know I like my freebies!

Last night I went to the Expo and so here are a few photos from this fun event.

This is the main hall of the exhibition (above).

With my nephew Rhyenn (above).

My Dad and Rhyenn (above).