Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Climbing mountains...

In the next few weeks and months there are many challenges that need to be sorted out, from visas to airfares and travel insurance. You could say it's like I'm standing in front of a huge mountain. I'm the hiker who has to conquer it. It's a great challenge - no one said it would be easy - but it is also a really big adventure. And God is the architect of this mountain. He knows what's in store for me as I make my ascent. And He goes with me - no matter where the path may lead or how dangerous the route is.

"Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." (Hebrews 13: 5)

With His hand holding mine, together we will summit this peak. Whilst the world may say it's insurmountable - "It cannot be done. You're crazy!" they cry - we'll prove them wrong. Together this mountain will become a molehill.