Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The People's Church Of Christ...

This past Sunday I headed out to New Matadi to go to church with the boys. Their church, The People's Church Of Christ, meets in the same building that we meet together in on Wednesdays for Bible Study. But this was my first time there for church on a Sunday. It was really good. The service was well-structured and many of my favourite Liberian worship songs were sung, including:

By My Side, By My Side,
By My Side, By My Side,
I Have A Very Big God-o,
He Always By My Side.
As well as:

You Will Carry My Load,
You Will Be My God-o.
When I'm In Your Presence,
I Will Have My Own Portion.

After the service the congregation welcomed the visitors, myself and Rachel (who is involved with the girls group here on Wednesdays). We had to stand and introduce ourselves (our names and where we come from). We were then asked to sit down while the whole congregation stood up and sung a Welcome Song for us. Whilst they sang, everybody came and shook our hands and embraced us as brother and sister. The love and warmth that the people showed us was awesome. The culture of churches here is different compared to churches back home, but definitely refreshing. I will miss the closeness of Liberian culture and lifestyle when I go back home.