Saturday, November 22, 2008

New Matadi Appreciation...

This past Wednesday at the New Matadi Bible Study something special happened. Something we did not expect. We went into the yard at the orphanage as usual, but this time there was a large circle of chairs set out.
Not knowing what was happening, but just told by our group to sit down, we waited. It was both the guys and the girls combined. They then opened the evening in prayer and sang a song for us before each one of us were presented with wonderful gifts: shirts for us boys and dresses for the girls.

We were overwhelmed by this show of love and appreciation they showed to us. It will certainly be a difficult goodbye this coming Wednesday. Please continue to pray for these great guys: Emmanuel, Jacob, James, Lamin, Moses, Mulbah, and Winston. Here is a photo of me in my new traditional Liberian shirt, as well as a group photo of all the leaders in our new attire. This photo courtesy of Josh and Sarah Becker.