Monday, October 20, 2008

Minor Job...

Crew members are encouraged, if they have time, to pick up a minor job and thus bless another department. This past week I made the decision to get a minor job helping out in Reception. I am still a Communications Writer first and foremost, but I now help out in Reception one half-day a week. It's not a lot, but it is fulfilling a need. Reception have been short-staffed for a while now. I feel it is rather fitting to give something back to Reception. I started in Reception back in November 2007, when I arrived here, and now I will be ending my time here spending some time in Reception. And it means I also get to don my uniform a few last times before I leave this vessel. I've missed my uniform working in Communications! Being back in Reception does add a rather poetic aspect to my service here on the M/V Africa Mercy. The photo here is an old one from back in November last year.