Monday, October 6, 2008

Academy Open House...

Last Wednesday, 1st October, the Academy, the school on-board the ship, opened up its doors to the general crew. It was great to see how well-stocked it is. But more than that, how dedicated and caring the teachers are. Here is one of those committed teachers, and one of my friends here, Emily Hawk. She teaches Grade Two.

There were also opportunities to get involved in various activities. I decided to reach deep inside and pull out the poet in me. So I wrote a Haiku, a Japanese form of poetry. My subject-matter was something which I've been thinking about more and more recently: cycling. It is October. There is not too much time before I'll be back in Cape Town, in training for another Cape Argus Pick 'n Pay Cycle Tour. That being said, here is my Haiku:

Legs pumping up, down
Speeding by you watch the world
Man, machine as one.