Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Africa Mercy Independent Film Festival...

The Africa Mercy Independent Film Festival happened in the International Lounge last night. This event occurs once a year and crew members are encouraged to make short films for the occasion. These are then entered into the competition, evaluated by a panel of judges, and premiered before the whole crew. Awards are presented in the categories of Best Comedy, Best Choreography, Best Drama and Best Picture, to name but a few.

The film festival is also one of those few events on the ship where crew can dress up in their most formal attire. We do have some amazingly good-looking people here on the Mercy Ship! :-)

Us boys put an entry into the competition, So You Think You Can Dance - Sierra Leone, which is a Mercy Ships take on the classic TV show. It involved a cast of over twenty dancers, all dancing to different styles of music. It was really fun to make and we were extremely happy to take the Best Picture award!

Beau - our amazing MC for the night!

AMIFF 2011

The crew await the screening in the packed International Lounge.

The panel of judges gets introduced.

Our film took Best Picture - thanks to all who put in such amazing hard work!

The four Creative Consultants - Jeff, Me, Christoph and Nick - with our trophy.

With Jay - our Editor.