Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pastor Mark's church...

This past Sunday, as the rain poured down on Freetown, a small group of us caught the ferry across to Lungi to visit Pastor Mark and Bridget at their church. We had a lovely time worshipping with his church family and after the service they blessed us with a wonderful meal. I also had the privilege of being able to introduce the crew present and also share my testimony about how God led me to Mercy Ships. The photo here is of me sharing with Pastor Mark.

And while the transport coming back was rather unreliable - the Government Ferry was meant to depart at 14h00 but only left after 17h00 - we still had an amazing time together. We were back onboard Africa Mercy by 18h30, having left 12 hours previously. Would I do it again? Absolutely!

Sailing past the AFM on a wet and rainy Sunday morning in July.