Monday, June 13, 2011

Global Day of Prayer...

It was the Global Day of Prayer - 12th June 2011 - yesterday. And because of this we held a special International service onboard last night. The Global Day of Prayer originated in Cape Town, South Africa, and therefore the South African crew had the honour of opening the service. We went up front with our flags and vuvuzelas and showed our nation's spirit by singing a couple of worship songs in isiXhosa, Zulu and English, and praying in Afrikaans! South Africa is indeed a diverse country with eleven official languages! The photo here is of the SA crew up front - I'm in the back row in the green SA Cricket shirt.

Each continent then had the opportunity to go and do a song item and prayer in their native language. It was so special to see and hear crew from each of the different continents praising God and praying in their own tongues. And yet again, it underlined to me how awesome it is to serve God in such a multicultural, international environment!

Some of the SA crew in Town Square.

Yeah for patriotic SA crew members serving with Mercy Ships!