Thursday, September 2, 2010

Docked in Durban...

Shortly after dawn yesterday morning the South African national flag was hoisted up the mast of the Africa Mercy, as the Mercy Ship approached Durban. Seeing my beautiful flag flying on my beautiful floating home is a really special thing for me. I am so proud to be South African and to be serving here on the Mercy Ship right here, right now.

At a little before 8am the Africa Mercy reached the pilot station for the Port of Durban, South Africa. Here the crew had the privilege of experiencing a helicopter coming and hovering over the ship to drop the pilot onboard. This was a first for the Mercy Ship (possibly any Mercy Ship) and was a really interesting procedure to witness.

We pulled into the port and steered a course through the calm waters of the harbour to the repair dock of Southern African Shipyards, where we docked at a few minutes after 10am. Believe me, dry land has never looked so good after a full seventeen days at sea!

Here are some photos from our arrival in Durban!

Our pilot approaches!

The Moses Mabhida 2010 World Cup stadium.

Can't get enough of that flag!

The Bluff in Durban.

National Sea Rescue Institute, Durban.

Navigating our way through the markers...

Because we don't want to hit that sandbar!

Large pile of scrap metal being sorted.

Approaching our dock.

Moving closer!

Mooring lines are on the dock!

Well, the view may not be the best, but after 17 days at sea we're a happy crew!