Thursday, June 10, 2010

Family Dinner...

This past weekend a group of my close friends held a joint Christmas/Thanksgiving dinner here on the ship... simply for the sake of getting together as a family and sharing a meal together. And of course being thankful for each other!

The food was prepared in the Crew Galley and we held the dinner in the Queen's Lounge - which was decorated for the event. It was a lovely evening that included a game of Cranium, and culminated in us all together on Deck 7 watching an amazing West African rainstorm.

It made me realise how thankful I am for the friends who have become family here on the Mercy Ship. Here are some photos from this fun evening.

The table was beautifully decorated - as were the people!

The Peet family who open up their cabin to us young adults week-in and week-out.

With Jenn and Liz.

The boys serve the sparkling grape/apple juice.

Liz with the boys.