Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Yesterday was America's Independence Day and so last night we all went to another ministry a short drive away, Father Heart, where they had a large fair with jumping castles and a climbing wall and lots of food stalls. There was also a pretty awesome fireworks display later in the evening.
For me, this was more a time of facing one of my fears - that of heights. And so I was talked into scaling the climbing wall. I even shook on it and so there was no backing down. Looking up at it, I was thinking, "Shoh, that looks really easy." But it is totally different when you are up there! I was barefoot and in the humidity of East Texas pretty sweaty as well, so it made for a pretty challenging time. I must say I was pretty scared and I was shaking when I reached the bottom again, but it was totally worth it. It was great to be able to face a fear. When I came to the USA I had a list of things to do and facing a fear was not on that list, so I was pretty happy about that! Here are some photos from this fun evening!

Me, Becca, Josh, Leah after going through the obstacle course - we're totally hardcore.

Cute patriotic baby.

Becca on her way up.

The terror on my face is clearly evident at left, and in the photo above Leah moves past me.

Yeah! We conquered it!

Face painting.

Christina, Danae and me waiting for the fireworks.

Yeah! Fireworks!