Monday, June 15, 2009

Commissioning Service...

Today (Sunday, 14th June) was my Commissioning Service at Claremont Baptist Church. It was a very special service for not only me, but for anyone who has been a part of my journey over the past two-and-a-half years. I was asked to come up front and so I shared a bit of God's faithfulness and provision for me over the past year and also showed a Mercy Ships DVD on our big screen. My pastor, Peter, then shared a message for me from the church and also gave me a couple of verses from 2 Timothy. The one was 2 Timothy 2: 14 (and I quote from the NIV version):

"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the Word of Truth."

The other was 2 Timothy 4: 5:

"But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry."
These are both verses that I will take with me over the next few months and years ahead - and are certainly applicable! The "keep your head in all situations" reminds me of the often stressful times in Reception, with the Fire Panel going off and crew members asking many questions (often simultaneously as the Fire Panel alarms went off). It certainly requires a calm head!

Peter then invited anyone who wanted to come up front and lay hands on me to do so, as they set me aside and commissioned me. And as my friends, family and supporters came forward, a lady from the Bible Study that meets at the church on Tuesdays took the mic and shared how they have an orange tin at each meeting. And every week for the past three years they would put money into this tin for some project. They unanimously decided to donate all the money set aside in this tin to me! I was overwhelmed and so thankful! This is another wonderful gift from God and another confirmation that I am going where God wants me to go.

My cousin Adrian and close friends Kelvin and Fritz (all three pictured at right with me) then prayed on behalf of my supporters (whilst everyone laid hands and gathered around me) and Pastor Peter closed the commissioning part of the service. My cell group had also prepared a lovely song item which they sung for me, and then the Rev. Henry Gwani came and preached a wonderful sermon on Mark 10: 17 - 31, The Rich Young Ruler. He focused on how the man's wealth was a stumbling block to him following and serving God - and how we should be prepared to sacrifice everything for God - even stepping out of our comfort zones. Henry also had some words of encouragement and wisdom for both myself and the church body.

We then had tea and cake after the service and I said many goodbyes to close friends and supporters. Thanks to my friend Danielle for taking the photos of my special service. Picture at left of me with Henry and Mampho Gwani.

So now as I type (and again my Internet is being fickle - so it is Sunday night, even if this is appearing on Monday) I have less than 24 hours before I board my flight to London and then on to Chicago and Dallas... The butterflies have started and I have lost my appetite... But God is in control over all! Amen!