Monday, January 12, 2009

Mercy Ships Cape Town Reunion...

This past Wednesday, 7th January, we had a reunion for all Mercy Shippers - both past, present and future - in the Cape Town area. It was great to spend time with some good friends, reminiscing about ship life and sharing stories as we braaied meat and sat down to some wonderful food. We also watched a dvd on the Liberia Field Service 2008 and it was great to relive some moments from the past year. It also created much laughter!

The one photo here shows three great South African men: Bates Alheit, Lee De La Rue and myself. Bates served in the Dining Room for seven months from March to October 2008 and Lee was the Chief Officer (or Second Officer) with Mercy Ships for many years. The other photo is a group shot of all the past and present crew along with the National Director of Mercy Ships South Africa, John Rae and his wife Rose.