Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Greater Perspective...

I know it's been over two weeks since I last posted, but to be honest I am struggling with subject matter at the moment. And it seems the subject matter I would deal with, such as friends leaving, is just getting too depressing. So I would just like to share a verse that I read the other day... Just because it really shows me where my focus should be.

So a few days ago I was reading over some letters from home. Letters that friends and family had given me when I left back in November. Letters to comfort me. And letters to encourage me. I've been feeling a bit depressed and lonely here on the Mercy Ship, and so the purpose of this was to try and refocus and get reinspired for why I am here. And so I was reading through these letters and I was struck down when I read this one verse. It is Job 1: 21, and I quote from the NIV version:

Naked I came from my mother's womb,

and naked I shall depart.

The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away;

may the name of the Lord be praised.

Things have been difficult with so many close friends leaving, but for me this verse just offered so much hope. God gave me these friendships and he has taken them away. Some of the friends I make here I may never see again. But the emphasis should not be on the friends that I've lost - as I've made it over the past few weeks - but rather on the blessings that God has given me. If I focus on these lost friendships, I will just feel depressed and hurt. But if I focus on God and on his many blessings in my life, and if I praise him no matter what, then my soul will never be thirsty again. God bless.