Tuesday, April 22, 2008

More Goodbyes...

Since I last posted - which was a little over a week ago - it has been a season of much change here on the Mercy Ship. My closest friend left on Sunday. Marius Moe. He had been the M/V Africa Mercy's Deck Cadet for eight months. I remember the first time we really had a deep conversation was when we had just docked in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria. I was being my usual judgmental, critical self, and was talking about the image of Mercy Ships and how important it is to uphold it. I was concerned with how some crew members (in my eyes) were portraying it. And whilst I was being critical, Marius said, "Why don't we pray for them?" Marius is indeed an amazing man of God, who constantly challenged and encouraged me to focus on what's really important in life. And he will be missed. He certainly made an impact in my life, and there is a gap now.

And, unfortunately, Marius's departure is not the only one to take place over the next few weeks. This coming Sunday sees another good friend, Chad Meyers, along with one of the really quality ward nurses, Lisa Sullins, head back home. Chad is a Canadian who has been here since October. He initially served as a Housekeeper before moving into the Communications office. The reason for this change may not have been the best circumstances imaginable (a broken leg brought about by pulling off a Matrix move off the wall, whilst dodging bullets in Spain - no, not really, it was a skateboarding accident), but it was certainly a move orchestrated by God. The Communications department has been really blessed by his presence there. And we will miss him.

But that is life on the Mercy Ship. A constant stream of arrivals and departures. But what is exciting is that there are so many more new arrivals coming whom I haven't even met. And who will have the potential to be wonderful friends. I'm on the ship for another seven and a half months! Plenty plenty time to meet new people! So not all is so sad and depressing. That's all for now. God bless.