Wednesday, February 13, 2008

God's Provision...

My first week back in Monrovia has been really amazing. I've been awed by the power of God in my life. He is so so good! God has given me the opportunity to return to Cape Town to do the Argus, and to also have a bit of a break. I leave Monrovia on the 3rd of March and return to the ship on the 12th of March. For those of you reading this not knowing what the Argus is, let me enlighten you. The Cape Argus Pick 'n Pay Cycle Tour is the world's largest timed cycling event. It sees over 35,000 cyclists take in a 108 kilometre route around the Cape Peninsula, including some of Africa's most scenic roads. And I have been cycling this tour since I was seven. I haven't missed a ride.

I joined the Mercy Ship knowing almost beyond a shadow of a doubt that I would miss the Argus - and that was fine with me. I had given up my dream to follow God. And now, it seems, God is blessing me beyond my wildest dreams! Not only by the amazing time I'm having here, but also with this opportunity to return home, see family and friends, and drum up more support for Liberia and for Mercy Ships.

The Argus for me was always about competition, beating my best time, notching up one more tour towards my goal of 21 consecutive rides. Therefore, a huge amount of pride was involved. Ugly pride. My cycling got to the point where it defined me. I was Murray the Cyclist. It was what I was good at. Now, none of that matters. Serving with Mercy Ships has given me a greater perspective. I'm going to ride the Argus socially, near the back, with friends and family, and will have a lot of fun. But what I really want to do is ride it for the people of Liberia. And for Mercy Ships.