Thursday, October 11, 2007

My Mercy Ships "blog" has been created...

Despite my abhorrence of the word "blog" (it's by far one of the ugliest words in the English language), I have decided to create one to keep friends and family updated as to my progress on the M/V "Africa Mercy", as we travel throughout Liberia, the Canary Islands, and Sierra Leone.

I leave for Liberia on the 2nd of November, flying from Cape Town to Johannesburg, and then on to Nairobi and then Monrovia. Overall I have eight take-offs and landings! And one of these stops is a "technical stop" in Accra, Ghana. It certainly does not fill me with confidence!

So the clock is now ticking on my time remaining in Cape Town, just 22 days remaining. I plan to spend most of the time with friends and family, before I leave for an eight months adventure.

But that's all for now... Keep posted for more!